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Methotrexate Shortage

Hospira, Inc., out of Lake Forest, Illinois is working diligently in conjunction with the FDA to increase the supply of Methotrexate, a cancer medication. The Methotrexate shortage is one of the many plaguing the medical community, and thousands depend on a solution. As an effective cancer treatment, especially for younger children, additional pressure is being put on Hospira and similar companies to increase manufacturing to meet demand.

The cancer medication methotrexate has been used successfully in treating cancer patients including children and those resistant to other treatments. A continued shortage may lead to fatal relapse of symptoms in many of these patients. In 2011, one of the four major producers, Ben Venue Laboratories, had to shut down production due to quality control regulations enforced by the FDA. Since that time, other companies like Hospira, Inc. have been working with the FDA to qualify more suppliers and increase production. Physicians are estimating that based on the available supply and delays in manufacture, Methotrexate stores may be emptied within a week.

Millions of dollars in research, facility upgrades, and manpower are being allocated by drug companies and the FDA to combat the Methotrexate shortage. Ben Venue has reportedly upgraded equipment to the tune of $250 million in just 3 years to keep up with standards and demand though still falling short of operational requirements. Companies like Hospira, Inc. are working to pick up the slack and satisfy demand which could affect hundreds of thousands of lives.

For more information on Hospira, Inc., products, and the Methotrexate shortage please feel free to browse online or contact a friendly team member at Mountainside Medical Equipment by phone at 1-888-687-4334.

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