December 13, 2012
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Coffee Cuts Oral Cancer Risk
There are lots of benefits to drinking coffee, but after a thorough study, coffee has been identified to reduce the risk of death from oral and pharyngeal cancer. This latest study on the health benefits of coffee looked at nearly 970,000 men and women over a 26 year period. The study was overseen by the American Cancer Society. Researchers looked at the coffee and tea-drinking habits of the participants and found that participants who drank at least 4 cups of caffeinated coffee per day were 49% less likely to die from any developed oral or throat cancers. The same held true for those who drank up to 6 cups per day. It was impossible for researchers to find a link in participants who drank 7 or more cups a day because there simply were not enough participants in the study who consumed that amount. While oral cancer is not as common in the United States, it is in the top 10 most common cancers of the world. Fortunately, coffee is also common throughout the world. The link between coffee intake and cancer development is important not only because it lowers the risk of death, but also because it held true for participants who were smokers or drank alcohol. Smoking and alcohol intake are two of the leading causes for the development of oral and pharyngeal cancers. Study participants who also smoked and drank, shared the same protection coffee offers that those who do not participate in smoking or drinking garnered. Coffee is well-known for plethora of health properties including biologically active compounds, polyphenols, and antioxidants. Coffee has been known to help hinder the development of other cancers and also adds benefit to heart health, decreasing stroke risk, hindering the development of type II diabetes, and also may decrease the risk of developing Parkinson’s or Alzheimer’s disease. However, these positive effects against oral cancer only hold true for caffeinated coffee. Participants who drank decaf or tea did not share the same decreased development risk as participants who drank the caffeinated coffee. Researchers state that the study’s results should not stand as a recommendation to start drinking coffee or to start drinking more. While most professionals are adding this on to the long list of health benefits provided by coffee, researchers say that more work needs in clinical studies as well as further epidemiological research. However, since this is not the first study of its kind, just the largest. Further research should solidify true evidence and in the future a complete recommendation can be made. Sources WebMD - WebMD - CBS News - Health - The Times of India -
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