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Ebola Confirmed in Texas – Too Close To Home For Many Americans

The headlines all across news stations here in the US are being flooded with reports announcing that the US Centers for Disease Control and Prevention has just confirmed the first Ebola diagnosis here in the United States on Tuesday. According to health officials, an unidentified man who travelled from Liberia to Texas has been hospitalized, isolated, and is now being treated for Ebola under intensive care at the TexasHealthPresbyterianHospital.

As the CDC stated in Tuesday’s press release, “Ebola can be scary, […the] CDC recognizes that even a single case of Ebola diagnosed in the United States raises concerns.” Ebola is a serious disease with a high fatality rating. In fact, the September 26th report from the World Health Organization revealed that there have been at least 6,553 probable, confirmed and suspected cases of Ebola in the current outbreak, although the numbers are actually suspected to be much higher since officials are having a hard time tracking and reporting the disease in less-developed areas of Africa, Sierra Leone, and Liberia.

While health officials all over the country are emphasizing that here in the US we have a strong public health system, there is still no guarantee that there won’t be more Ebola cases here. CDC Director, Dr. Tom Frieden, M.D., M.P.H. explained in the press release that “while it is not impossible that there could be additional cases associated with this patient in the coming weeks, I have no doubt that we will contain this.” Even though Dr. Frieden sounds confident that the virus is being contained, many American’s don’t share his level of confidence. While we have a strong healthcare system here in America, there are still only 4 facilities that are fully equipped to handle, treat, and deal with an Ebola outbreak here in America (and the hospital in Texas is not one of them).

The best way to protect yourself from contracting the Ebola Virus is still protecting yourself from being exposed to the blood and other bodily fluids of others, especially those who are sick; and the best way to reduce your level of exposure is with an Ebola Protection Kit. These all-inclusive kits come with all of the supplies you will need to help minimize your exposure to bodily fluids and reduce your risk of contracting the Ebola virus. Choose from the Personal Ebola Protection Kits (which come with enough supplies for one-time use) or the deluxe Ebola Protection Kit which comes with enough supplies to be able to change your gown, facemasks, and gloves if they get soiled and/or contaminated.

Each Ebola Protection Kit Includes:

-- Full length isolation gowns or coveralls

-- Splash Resistant Eye Goggles with Clear Lens

-- Molded Medical Face Masks

-- Nitrile Gloves

-- Sani-Hands Instant Hand Sanitizing Wipes

-- Red-Z Fluid Solidifier

-- Red Biohazard Containment Bag

-- Blue Isolation Shoe Covers

-- SaniZide Hard Surface Disinfectant Spray Solution


Here at Mountainside Medical Equipment we understand the importance of protecting oneself from exposure to potential contaminants, which is why we’ve dedicated a whole section of our website to personal protection and isolation supplies. As the Ebola outbreak gets closer to home, now is great time to stock up on personal protection and isolation supplies. Act now and get your Ebola Protection Kits while supplies are still in-stock!



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