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National Kidney Month: How Mountain Ice Can Help People with Peripheral Neuropathy

National Kidney Month: How Mountain Ice Can Help People with Peripheral Neuropathy

World Kidney Day in March spotlights Chronic Kidney Disease (CKD), one of the most common complications of which is peripheral neuropathy. This occurs when the peripheral nerves are damaged, causing weakness, numbness, and pain that's often felt in the hands and feet. Mountain Ice Pain Relief Gel has the potential to relieve pain and improve day-to-day functioning in patients with neuropathy. Read on to learn how Mountain Ice can reduce your pain level and improve your life!

Relieve Neuropathy Pain Fast with Mountain Ice


Neuropathy is a common condition, affecting over 20 million Americans. Damage or dysfunction of the nerves can take many forms and have many different effects, such as pain, tingling, muscle weakness, and loss of touch sensation. This often occurs to the peripheral nervous system, which sends signals governing sensations like touch and temperature to and from the central nervous system (the brain and spinal cord).

Although symptoms of neuropathy can occur throughout the body, in about 75 percent of cases they are "length-dependent," meaning they start or are most intense in the furthest nerve endings. This usually means those in the feet.

Neuropathy can develop from many sources, the most common of which is a physical injury that damages the nerves. But it can also occur due to diabetes, vascular issues, smoking, alcoholism, serious infections, autoimmune diseases like rheumatoid arthritis, or many other causes.

Mountain Ice for Peripheral Neuropathy

How does Mountain Ice work for neuropathy?

Many patients with neuropathy apply topical pain relievers to relieve localized pain. Mountain Ice is an ideal choice for that, but can also do so much more. The ingredients contained in Mountain Ice have anti-inflammatory as well as anti-oxidant properties, both of which help to increase blood flow. Poor circulation is a common factor in neuropathy, and increasing the body's ability to deliver blood and oxygen to damaged nerves can speed up regeneration.

Many neuropathy cases also stem from inflammatory or autoimmune conditions, which cause painful inflammation and swelling as the body's immune system attacks itself. Mountain Ice contains a number of ingredients with anti-inflammatory properties, such as menthol, hyaluronic acid, Vitamin E, and glucosamine that can reduce that swelling.

Interested in Mountain Ice to help you relieve your neuropathic pain? Shop our collection and give Mountain Ice a try!

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