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In addition to being a potential indication of melanoma skin cancer, Dr. Cindy Haines from HealthDay TV explains that two recent studies have just conferred that having a bunch of moles may also be linked to a greater risk for developing breast cancer.
Both of the studies, which together examined 164,500 mole reports from a 24 year time span, concluded that a link does exist between the presence of moles and an increased risk for breast cancer. If fact, one of the studies found that women who had 15 or more moles with a diameter of about 3mm or more actually had a 35% greater risk for breast cancer than the women who didn’t have the moles.
While more studies still need to be performed to determine why/how moles are connected to the increased risk for breast cancer, researchers from both studies suspect that the moles themselves aren’t causing breast cancer. Researchers believe that the moles are an indication of high hormone levels and that the high estrogen and testosterone levels may be attributed as the possible cause for the increased breast cancer risk.
Although both studies also call for future follow-up studies to take a closer look at the exact mechanisms behind the connection, these study findings could end up proving to be very significant, especially in the realm of identifying and detecting breast cancer risks.
If you or a loved has moles that they are concerned about you should consult with your healthcare provider. Remember, a good rule of thumb to go by is… when in doubt, get it checked out! Your doctor can examine your moles and review your breast cancer risks and make recommendations from there.
In the meantime, check out some of the great breast cancer awareness products available from Mountainside Medical Equipment and show your support for breast cancer research!
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