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Early Exposure Reduces Peanut Allergy

A recent study supported by the National Institute of Allergy and Infectious Diseases reveals that infants at high risk of peanut allergy may benefit from early exposure. Peanut allergies have become more common among children, and the previous strategy employed was to minimize exposure of at-risk children. However, this study indicates that controlled, early exposure may reduce the risk of allergy development.


After monitoring over 600 at risk patients for a period spanning over 5 years, it was found that early exposure to peanuts could reduce allergy risk. Over the course of the study, a group of patients aged 4-11 years at risk for peanut allergies were split into groups being exposed to peanuts or left unexposed. The group exposed to peanuts were provided 6 grams of peanut protein weekly and monitored for reaction. After 5 years, those patients that were exposed were 81% less likely to develop a peanut allergy.


Researchers are excited to find that controlled exposure early in life may reduce the risk of developing peanut allergies later in life. Of course, any exposure treatment for at-risk patients should be facilitated with the assistance of a physician as there is still an inherent risk of severe allergic reaction. Designed for those children that are affected by peanut allergy, products such as the Epi-Pen Jr. and Auvi-Q Auto Injector .15mg can be used for treatment in case of allergic reaction. Adults living with peanut allergy can use either the Auvi-Q .3mg or Epi-Pen as a rescue treatment for anaphylaxis.

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