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Top 10 Bariatric Facility Costs

Redesigning healthcare facilities to treat bariatric patients can cost hundreds of thousands of dollars because they commonly include changes to the building, equipment, training, and supplies. We have compiled a list of the top 10 bariatric facility costs to aid in prioritizing and assessing the transition to treating an increased bariatric population.


Below are the Top 10 Bariatric Facility Costs

1) Facility Redesign - adjustments to the building may include wider doorways, reinforced flooring, bathing, and surgical facilities.

2) Patient lifts - more readily available and reinforced patient lifts will be required for the safe transfer of patients.

3) Bariatric beds - wider and more structurally sound beds are required to accommodate wider and taller patients.

4) Bariatric scales - weighing for bariatric patients may include bed and chair scales, or at the very least equipment with an increased capacity.

5) Bariatric wheelchairs - transporting of bariatric patients will require increased structural support coupled with wider and deeper chair seating.

6) Bariatric commodes - standard bathroom, bedpan, and toileting equipment will not provide sufficient support for bariatric patients,

7) Bariatric furniture - from the waiting room to the hospital room, furniture to accommodate bariatric patients requires additional reinforcement and sizing

8) Linens - gowns, drapes, bedding, and towels need to be sized according to the increased coverage area requirements.

9) Training - staff members will need additional training for understanding, assessing, and treating bariatric patients for safety and dignity.

10) Staffing - experts in bariatric care and additional staff to aid in transfer and care are required to accommodate the additional considerations of increased size.


These top 10 bariatric facility costs are an investment necessary for providing safe and effective care of bariatric patients. Browse available products and equipment for treating bariatric needs online today or call 1-888-687-4334 to speak with a representative.