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Choosing a Walker or Rollator

Walkers are a wonderful tool for those who have difficulty ambulating (walking). They provide stable support making an individual feel more confident about getting around safely. Rollators are like walkers with wheels that maneuver easily and offer the user more independence as they are quite versatile and are essentially the agility kings of the walker world. Here is more information about walkers and rollators to help you choose:


Standard Walker –They are lightweight, portable and foldable making them great to bring along on trips to the store, mall or doctor's office. Most walkers of this style will also have adjustable height options and cushioned hand grips for comfort. Some of the standard walkers also come with a foldable paddle release option, making it easier for users who have hand problems to fold their walkers.


Wheeled Walkers – Made almost the same as the standard walker, the wheeled walker's difference is…you guessed it….wheels. With two wheels, generally in the front of the unit, the rear is graced with glide caps on the bottom of the rear posts, giving the illusion that one is gliding as they walk. This is the style that pops into most people's heads when they converse about walkers.


Side-Walkers – Ideal for those who use canes for ambulation, but still feel unstable. A side-walker is great as it is used just like a cane but offers added stability thanks to its four gripping feet. It is also very help full in tight situations when using a cooking in a small kitchen, using a sink, or a toilet.


Rollators – Rollators are wheeled walkers, usually consisting of four wheels but some styles have three. Rollators are fantastic for the busy individual as they offer much more independence than a standard walker and much more flexibility. A nice added bonus to the rollator is the seat in the center section, where if a user gets tired or weak, they have an option of sitting down to take a rest. Standard rollators do have a weight capacity of 250 pounds and any weight over that could damage the walker or cause the user to get hurt. They can be transported in vehicles from place to place and store easily. Certain rollators are specifically designed for outdoor use and are great for people who enjoy the fresh air, bird watching, or camping.


Hemi-Rollators – Designed for people who are shorter than average, this kind of rollator offers them a lowered seat to floor height. Unlike other rollator models Hemi-Rollators come in both a standard size and a bariatric size for up to 600 pounds.


Bariatric Rollators - Bariatric rollators are essentially the same as a standard rollator. However, there are a few differences between the two including weight capacity. Most models of a standard rollator have a weight capacity of 250 pounds. The bariatric rollators are equipped with a weight capacity of handling about 600 pounds. The bariatric rollators are also equipped with special bearings for structural integrity, large wide seats and also eight inch solid wheels are standard on all bariatric models.


For more information about choosing a walker or rollator, browse our extensive online selection, or call to speak with one of our knowledgeable customer care representatives at 1-888-687-4334 for assistance.