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Dopplers vs Ultrasounds

An ultrasound is a routine procedure performed by a healthcare professional on a pregnant woman. It is usually performed around the 20 week mark, but sometimes more often depending on the pregnancy and the practitioner. Ultrasounds utilize high-frequency sound waves to generate a picture or video of the fetus. This can be done either topically over the belly, or transvaginally, in order to produce an extremely clear view of the fetus.


A conventional Doppler can detect the baby’s heartbeat around 10-15 weeks. Women who experience high-risk pregnancies may need to report to their doctor for check-ups more frequently. Depending upon the amount of visits, and the stipulations set by insurance providers, this can become a costly process. Doppler examinations, instead of ultrasounds, can be more cost efficient and can still provide your doctor with the information they need.


What makes the EchoHeart Doppler so great is the fact that Summit has combined technology to produce the world’s first transvaginal Doppler. It can detect the baby’s heartbeat much earlier than common OB Dopplers and has superior sensitivity and sound quality. This Doppler system has the ability to provide a thorough examination at a realistic price point and it can accommodate different probes for varying patient needs.


The other great thing about the EchoHeart Doppler is that it can be used at home. The EchoHeart Doppler, like many on the market, is available for moms- and dads-to-be for use at home. While a medical professional Doppler system may not be on your radar, or the cost in your wallet, there are many different varieties of Doppler's at different price points for home use. Having a Doppler on hand at home can bring peace of mind to expectant parents – especially those handling a high-risk pregnancy. Knowing what to look for and how to look for it can be comforting, and should you decide to invest in a Doppler system, you physician can easily explain what to look for.