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GC MI Paste and GC MI Paste Plus IFU

Consumer Instructions For Use

Note: On each individual box of MI Paste or MI Paste Plus, you will find this Consumer Instructions for Use label (attached to the outside of the box). On the inside of each box of MI Paste and MI Paste Plus you will find a Professional Instructions for Use (more details for the dental professional, storage information, etc.). If you are unsure how to use MI Paste or MI Paste Plus or have any questions on the Consumer Instructions for Use please consult your dental professional.


What is MI Paste and MI Paste Plus?

MI Paste is a calcium and phosphate crème containing the active ingredient Recaldent (CPP-ACP). MI Paste Plus is a calcium, phosphate, and fluoride crème containing Recaldent (CPP-ACPF). The fluoride is in the form of sodium fluoride (900ppm, 0.2%).


How to Apply MI Paste or MI Paste Plus

There are two ways to apply MI Paste or MI Paste Plus. Your dental professional will determine which one is appropriate for you.


Method 1

Take a small amount, about the size of a pea, and spread to your upper and lower teeth using a clean finger or cotton tip. You can use your tongue to spread the MI Paste or MI Paste Plus throughout the mouth. Leave on the teeth undisturbed for a minimum of 3-5 minutes. After the completed time, spit out any excess saliva and avoid rinsing. Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes following the application. You can leave remaining MI Paste or MI Paste Plus on the teeth overnight.


Method 2

A custom tray may be supplied to you by your dental professional. They will indicate how and where to apply MI Paste or MI Paste Plus before placing in the mouth. Place the tray in the mouth for 3-5 minutes. After the completed time take the tray out, spit out any excess saliva, and avoid rinsing. Do not eat or drink for 30 minutes following application. Always rinse your custom tray after use.



Your dental professional will determine the frequency of MI Paste or MI Paste Plus. It is usually 1-2 times per day. Usually the last treatment is applied around bedtime.



  • U.S. Federal law restricts this device to sale by or on the order of a dentist.
  • Do not use MI Paste or MI Paste Plus if you have a proven or suspected milk protein allergy.
  • Do not use MI Paste or MI Paste Plus if you have a sensitivity or allergy to benzoate preservatives. Recaldent (CPP-ACP) is milk derived with lactose content less than 0.01%. Due to the low level of lactose, MI Paste and MI Paste plus have been found safe to use in individuals with lactose intolerance.
  • It is not recommended to use MI Paste Plus on patients under the age of 6. Children age 6 and under can use MI Paste.
  • Do not mix MI Paste or MI Paste Plus with toothpaste.
  • Do not use MI Paste or MI Paste Plus with high fluoride concentration products (e.g., an over-the-counter fluoride rinse), unless indicated by your dental professional.

Manufactured by:
GC Corporation
76-1 Hasunuma-Cho,
Tokyo, Japan

Made in Japan


If you have any questions please contact your dental professional, visit our consumer website, or call our consumer hotline 1-877-MI-DENT1.

Recaldent is a trademark and is used under license from Recaldent PTY. Ltd.