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Hand Sanitizer

Hand sanitizer has become extremely popular over the years because it comes in little portable containers that you can keep in your pocket or purse. There are even hand sanitizer dispensers all over shopping malls, restaurants and public parks for those who want to clean their hands without using soap and water. Hand sanitizer kills a majority of bacteria because it contains a high amount of alcohol. When it is rubbed on the hands for about 30 seconds it does an excellent job of eliminating several forms of bacteria and also many viruses. Hand sanitizer has also been proven to fight against the most dangerous forms of bacteria, such as MRSA, which can cause deadly, frightening flesh-eating bacteria.


Hand sanitizer may be more effective than washing your hands with soap and water because it is quicker and easier to use. The best hand washing requires warm water, soap, and lathering and scrubbing for about 2 minutes - most of the time we wash our hands for an average of 7 seconds, not scrubbing or lathering nearly enough, before rinsing hands and drying so we can go on our way. With hand sanitizer, only 30 seconds of scrubbing is needed and this happens while rubbing the solution into your hands until they feel dry. It is also more convenient because you can sanitize your hands anywhere, anytime if you carry a small bottle of it with you.


Mountainside Medical Equipment is a proud supplier of Hand Sanitizer and offers it at a great, low price. Start killing germs and bacteria on the go today and place an order online through our website, or call 1-888-687-4334 to speak with one of our friendly Medical Supply Specialists.