EnteraLite Infinity 1200mL Enteral Pump Delivery Set
The Moog EntraLite Infinity 1200mL Enteral Pump Delivery Set is an effective system for the delivery of liquid nutrition to patients. This tube-feeding delivery system features 1200mL bag capacity, patented pinch clip occlude, and convenient built-in hanger.
EntraLite Infinity 1200mL Set Features:
Additional Information:
Brand: Zevex Moog
Item Number: INF1200
Dimensions: 8 x 14 x 3
The Moog EntraLite Infinity 1200mL Enteral Pump Delivery Set includes mating adaptors that adhere to strict guidelines to prevent potentially hazardous tube-connection situations. Additionally, each system is DEHP-free and latex-free for patient safety.
Provide safe and effective liquid nutrition delivery. Purchase the Moog EntraLite Infinity 1200mL Enteral Pump Delivery Set for a great price by placing an order online, through our website. Orders can also be placed by calling 1-888-687-4334 and speaking with one of our courteous Medical Supply Specialists.
Instructions for Use:
1. Remove enteral adapter protective cover from pinch clip occluder.
2. Fill feeding bag to desired level and close cap securely.
3. Remove protective cover from barbed adapter.
Note: if set is to used with carry pack, all air must be removed from the bag and tubing.
4. Turn bag upside down and gently squeeze. Tilt bag to keep air at the tubing port. At the same time, follow the instructions in step 5.
5. Press on the button of the pinch clip occluder to open tubing. Hold this position until air is expelled from tubing.
6. Load round fitting of silicone tubing into pump at U-shaped channel nearest door marked.
7. Stretch silicone tubing around wheel and place pinch clip occluder into rectangular receptacle.
Note: Do not overstretch tubing. Close pump door.
8. Turn pump on. Press prime button on the pump until entire line is filled with fluid.
9. Insert barbed adapter into patient's feeding tube.
It is recommended that the Enteralite Infinity Pump Set be replaced every 24 hours.